Our team are skilled and experienced in supporting young people and adults with neurodiversity.
We can tailor what is needed to you - including parenting support, skills building (e.g. social skills, executive functioning, emotional regulation), and we offer post-diagnosis support for individuals and parents.
These are optional to get a better understanding of whether a full assessment is appropriate.
For young people - Children are not required to attend. Information is gathered from parents around current concerns, history of difficulties, brief developmental history, & discussion of screening questionnaires (sent ahead of appointment).
For adults – Discuss of current concerns, history of difficulties, and discuss screening questionnaires (sent prior to appointment).
40-minute remote appointment, scoring of screening questionnaires & email summary
Fee: £250
Dr Keyes & Associates provide comprehensive diagnostic assessments for children and adults:
Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Significant learning disabilities
If you are considering one of these assessments we would be happy to discuss this with you, so please get in touch. Fees are dependent on the age of the person being assessed, and on the nature of the assessment. We always include areas of strengths identified as part of our assessments as well as recommendations for future.
Two Clinical Psychologists are involved in completing these assessments.
1) Interview with parent(s) using the NICE recommended tool ADI-R interview schedule .
2) Observational interview with the young person using the ADOS-2 NICE recommended tool. Videotaped so second Psychologist can code the assessment if necessary to increase assessment reliability.
3) Review & inclusion of relevant medical/psychological/school reports. Scoring & write up of questionnaires exploring mental health & sensory processing.
4) Clinician discussion & co-writing of report & recommendations.
5) Feedback session to go through the findings, discuss recommendations & any questions (optional).
Fee: 10-12 hrs at £190/hr dependent on complexity/time needed.
Further listings and information available in the following directories:
National Autistic Society & Autism Directory
Two Psychologists are involved in completing these assessments.
For young people -
1) Informal observation to observe behaviour & social skills alongside ACE interview. Videotaped so that second Psychologist can watch the assessment if needed.
2) Interview with parent(s) using the ADHD Child Evaluation (ACE).
3) Review of ADHD questionnaires for parents, teachers & young person; screening questionnaires around mental health, sensory processing as appropriate; relevant medical/psychological/school reports.
4) Clinical discussion between Psychologist & co-writing of report. Feedback session (optional)
For adults -
1) Interview using the Diagnostic Interview for ADHD in Adults (DIVA-5). Parent(s) or partner welcome to provide collateral information. Gathering information about behaviour through informal observation. Videotaped observation so that second Clinical Psychologist can watch if a conclusion cannot be reached definitively.
2) Review of multiple ADHD questionnaires; brief screening questionnaires to complete/score around mental health & sensory processing; relevant reports.
3) Clinical discussion between Psychologists & co-writing of report. Feedback session (optional)
Fees: 10-12 hrs at £190/hr depending on complexity.
Dr Keyes and Associates work therapeutically supporting young people and adults with Autism and/or ADHD around:
- mental health difficulties
- relationship difficulties
- education/work problems
- self-confidence and self-image
- partner, family and social relationships
- free time/hobbies
- support with school management plans and writing content for EHCPs
- letters of support fir accommodations/adaptations needed in school & work
- 4 session post-diagnostic support package
Please contact us to discuss your specific needs - we would love to hear
from you and offer a tailor plan that works for you!