What is adult ADHD? Dr Laura Keyes write for BBC Good Food
Dr Keyes was asked to write for BBC Good Food about current understandings of ADHD, and whether diet plays a role. You can read her article here! We'd love to hear your thoughts on it.

If you or your child are considering having an ADHD assessment, or are looking for support around ADHD related issues we can help. Out team includes:
- Clinical Psychologists who complete robust and thorough assessments for ADHD in children and adults.
- Psychologists who can support around emotional regulation and mental health difficulties.
- Our Executive Functioning Coach Freena can help with executive functioning difficulties.
- Our Occupational Therapist Kyla can help with understanding and managing sensory processing difficulties and sensory sensitivities.
You can get in touch with our Client Liaison Manager Jasmine at clientmanager@drlaurakeyes.com to ask for our information sheet detailing mote about our ADHD assessments. She would be delighted to answer any questions you may have!